My Honest Opinion of the "Growth Mindset"

I'll start off by saying that my opinion on this idea is very mixed, and I can't confidentially say whether I support it or not. However, there are specific aspects that are interesting to me.

1) Don't Reward Correctness, Reward Process:
- This idea is challenging for me because I really believe that both should be rewarded. When I was a kid, getting rewarded for a right answer, no matter how easy or hard I had to try, just made me want to be right more. I studied more, I payed more attention, and participated more because I liked being rewarded. On the other hand, I can see how something being too easy shouldn't be rewarded. If something is as easy to someone as 2 + 2, why should they be rewarded for knowing the answer? Well, what if it took them three years of research, development, and analysis to find the answer? That's why this aspect is difficult to me.

2) Easy Shouldn't Be the Comfort Zone, Challenging Should Be.
- I personally agree with this. Rewarding aside, I do believe that we should encourage the youth to push themselves, and not stop once they understand something. Instead, once you understand something, start to pick it apart. Use it as many different ways as you can. Find real life applications. Try to teach it to someone else. I think these are things that we should encourage the youth to do. Being right all the time is awesome, but that only means that you haven't went deep enough to challenge yourself.

I can personally see so many good things about it, but also see where it could be highly rejected. Just like any idea, there is always more to learn. I look forward to learning more about this topic and what other people have to say about it.

Don't Accept the Way Things Are... Question Everything 
Source: cheezburger


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