When I decided I wanted to be a doctor, I was probably like... five. But that doesn't count right? I mean, kids say all the time what they want to be when they grow up, and its usually something crazy like an astronaut, or brave like a firefighter, or even something metanormal like a super hero. But I stuck with doctor. My mom would ask me every couple of years what my plans were, and she always got the same answer. I never even really knew why. Before I knew how hard it was, or how long it took, or even the financial stability that comes with it, that's all I wanted to be. Well, fast forward to high school, I started to realize that becoming a doctor was no easy task. I thought that since I made good grades and excelled in math and science that I would be a prime candidate. Boy was I wrong. Being the first person in my family to make it past high school, I didn't really have anybody showing me the ropes or mentoring me on my path to become a doctor. This put me behind most...
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