Week 12 Story: Demon of a Hundred Faces

Portfolio Link There was a blind King, who had a wife. This wife was so dedicated to her husband, that she thought it was only fair, if she yielded her sight for the rest of her life. The kingdom was happy for the two, because it had been a very long time since the kingdom had, had a King and Queen. The King had two brothers, and they worked for their brother in different ways. When it came to Pandu, who had two wives he tended to the Kings army. Pandu was a little upset with the King because he wanted the thrown, but the oldest son always gets to be king first. Pandu had to stay away from the kingdom for when he had went away for awhile with his two wives, he made a mistake that got him cursed for eternity. Ashamed of this, Pandu refused to go back. They stayed out there and during this time had five sons. The Queen had heard the news that Pandu now had five sons and that raised fear between the King and Queen, they knew they needed to have a son very soon so Pandu's sons wou...